New Releases 
Warm Welcome to Jo Morgan
Jo Morgan, one of our fabulous Site Visit Coordinators, has stepped into the role of Interim Accreditation Administrator, building on her career as a health educator and AAC at Pitt County Health Department. We are so grateful to have Jo joining our team in this new role to support the program as we prepare for Fall 2023 site visits and create more permanent plans for the program leadership. Eunice, who also serves as a Site Visit Coordinator, is also working closely with us to support the program through transitions. As always, we encourage you to use our shared inbox to reach Jo and share any program-related questions with our team.
Save the Date: Fall 2023 Training
We’ll be holding our Bi-Annual NCLHDA Dashboard Overview Webinar on September 12 from 10 am – 12 noon (virtual webinar), followed by the Accreditation 101: New AAC Training on September 13 from 10 am – 3 pm in Winston-Salem, NC. Registration will open July 1, but in the meantime, be sure to save the date if you’re a new AAC or would benefit from a refresher! As a reminder, the dashboard webinar is a pre-requisite to New AAC training.
Accreditation in Action
Thank You for your Input!
Wow! With more than 100 survey responses and 80 public comments, we are so grateful for all the program feedback you provided during the month of May. We are spending time this month digesting all that you shared with our program so that we can incorporate what we’ve heard into our work.
Regional Workshop Summaries
We are still feeling energized from being in the room with many of you in May. Check out a newly released summary document describing what we heard from these regional workshops. We are excited to continue conversations and explore new ideas with our AAC Advisory Council in the coming months.
Equity Related Resources
As we communicate accreditation updates through monthly highlights, we also have an opportunity to share existing resources that can help support equity related accreditation activities, including accessible training opportunities. Please email us if you have resources you would like to share in this space!
Webinar on the Vaccine Equity Project
On Wednesday, June 21, the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO) is holding a free webinar to introduce their Vaccine Equity Project “aimed at increasing the acceptance and uptake of adult immunizations among racial and ethnic groups and rural populations.” During the webinar, you can hear about the work of two pilot sites, and perhaps hear some creative ideas to start preparing for fall flu clinics!
Key Dates
June 7: June Office Hours, 9-9:45 am
Virtual. There is no cost to attend; however, registration is required. Register.
Wednesday, June 28: NCLHDA May 2023 Strategic Board Meeting, 9-11:30 am
Virtual. Email for information to join.
Interested in exploring all upcoming events? Check out our Calendar page online!
Stories from the Field
Highlights from Winter 2023 Site Visits
Congratulations to the 15 health departments who received reaccreditation at the May 19 board meeting! 74% of these health departments received reaccreditation with honors, and together the site visit team highlighted 27 best practices seen across our state. In the coming few months, we’ll share some of these best practices in monthly highlights, starting with a best practice form the Assessment standard:
Highlight 1, Activity 7.6: The Site Visit Team identified the format for Durham County Department of Public Health’s 2017 After Action Report/Improvement Plan as a best practice, specifically the section on `Handling Instructions.` This section clearly communicated that the contents of the document not be disclosed and should be safeguarded, handled, transmitted, and stored in accordance with appropriate security directives. Furthermore, approval was required from the Durham County Department of Public Health for any reproduction of the report, in whole or in part.
We want to hear from you
Share your tips and tricks for accreditation success with other local health departments across the state. If you have a tip or trick that you would like to share, send a summary – no more than 500 words – including the activity addressed and any lessons learned. Please send your submission to Stories will be shared via these monthly highlights.