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New Releases

As Margaret is out on parental leave, David Stone, who has been working with NCLHDA for the past two years as our Phase 3 Coordinator, and who himself served as our Accreditation Administrator from 2008-2011, will step in to serve as Interim Administrator. Program staff members, Faith Van Buskirk Feldt and Sarah Salzmann, will continue coordinating accreditation logistics, all with fabulous leadership and support from our NCIPH Director Amy Joy Lanou! We are grateful for the strong and growing team here at NCIPH to support this program.

Register for Bi-Annual Trainings Today!

Sign up now for our Accreditation 101: New AAC Training on September 10 from 1 – 5 pm followed by the NCLHDA Dashboard Webinar on September 12 from 1 – 3 pm. Both trainings will be held virtually. As a reminder, the New AAC Training is a pre-requisite to the Dashboard Webinar.

Accreditation in Action

A Summer of Data!

While we hope everyone takes a chance to enjoy some summer rest and relaxation, the NCLHDA program is taking time this summer to dig into the valuable data that many of you across the state provided the program through this year’s annual survey. We’re taking our time with this data, and we hope to have data summaries to share by the end of the summer.

Office Hours Returning Soon!

With summer schedules, we’re taking a short break from office hours in July; however, we will resume office hours in August. We hope to see you then!

Helpful Resources

Data Matters: Data Science Short Course Series: August 5-9

Data Matters is an online workshop offered by UNC Odum Institute for Research in Social Science. It is a week-long series of one and two-day courses aimed at students and professionals in business, research and government. Courses include: Introduction to Python, Introduction to Effective Information Visualization, Exploratory Data Analysis Using R Markdown, Visualization in Data Science Using R, Basic Statistics in R, Geospatial Analytics and more.

Key Dates

Friday, July 12: July Board Meeting, 9:00 am-11:30 am 
Virtual meeting. This is an open meeting. Additional details will be posted within 2 weeks of the board meeting.

Wednesday, August 7: Office Hours, 9:00-9:45 am
Virtual. There is no cost to attend; however, registration is required. Register.

Wednesday, September 4: Office Hours, 9:00-9:45 am
Virtual. There is no cost to attend; however, registration is required. Register.

Tuesday, September 10: Accreditation 101: New AAC Training, 1:00-5:00 pm
Virtual. There is no cost to attend; however, registration is required. Register. 

Thursday, September 12: Bi-Annual NCLHDA Dashboard Overview Webinar, 1:00-3:00 pm
Virtual. There is no cost to attend; however, registration is required. Register. 


Interested in exploring all upcoming events? Check out our Calendar page online! 

Stories from the Field

Best Practices from Fall 2023: Policy Development Standard

Within the Policy Development standard (Benchmarks 9-15) our site visit team identified many best practices to highlight in Fall 2023. Today, we’re highlighting one great example:

Activity 14.1, Stanly County:  The Site Visit Team identified a best practice in the Health and Human Services Board meeting minutes where the required activities were referenced in the minutes. This practice helps the governing board fulfill their role as required by accreditation activities and allows for a smoother site visit for the department as the Site Visit Team are able to quickly identify which activities have been met.

We Want to Hear from You

All of you across the state have unique approaches where you have found success. To help us all learn, we love when you share your tips and tricks for accreditation success with us! If you have a tip or trick that you would like to share, send a summary to Stories will be shared via these monthly highlights.

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