On-Demand Training
The NCLHDA Program is building our offering of on-demand trainings that can accessed at any time online. Two general trainings are currently available from this page:
- The Role of Agency Accreditation Coordinators
- Health Department Self-Assessment Instrument (HDSAI) Overview
Additionally, on-demand training related to the NCLHDA dashboard is available from the NCLHDA Dashboard page.
Important note: This digital content is available at no charge.
The Role of Agency Accreditation Coordinators
This 15-minute module provides an overview of the key features of the 2022 HDSAI Interpretation Document. The module introduces new Agency Accreditation Coordinators (AACs) to the role, helps you get established within the program, and orients you to finding key resources on the website. You can also revisit the module at any time for a quick refresher as needed. This module is designed to orient AACs, co-AACs and backup AACs to their role, and complements the content found on the New to Accreditation page.
Access the Training
Open the interactive module (in a new window): The Role of Agency Accreditation Coordinators.
Evaluation and Certificate
After completing the on-demand module, please take a few minutes to complete the evaluation and receive a completion certificate: The Role of Agency Accreditation Coordinators Training Evaluation.–
Health Department Self-Assessment Instrument (HDSAI) Overview
This 10 minute module provides an overview of the key features of the 2022 HDSAI Interpretation Document. The module reviews the activity information template, illustrates how the accreditation activities map to the revised 10 Essential Public Health Services, defines the activity crosswalks and how they can be used to help gather evidence and reviews the timeline terminology. This module is designed for any member of the local accreditation team to better under the features of the 2022 HDSAI Interpretation Document.
Access the Training
Open the interactive module (in a new window): Health Department Self-Assessment Instrument (HDSAI) Overview.
Complete the Evaluation
We would like to thank the following individuals who reviewed and provided feedback into the development of this module:
- Beth Dickens, QA/QI Compliance Officer, Chatham County Public Health Department
- Emily Mayes, Quality Assurance Coordinator, Privacy and Safety Officer, Surry County Health & Nutrition Center
- Nicole Ifill, Accreditation and Quality Assurance Coordinator, Wake County Government, Human Services/Administration
- Norma Rife, Director of Public Health Development & Promotion, Iredell County Health Department
NCLHDA Dashboard Training
An on-demand training and tutorials on how to use the NCLHDA dashboard are available from the NCLHDA Dashboard page.