Why Accreditation Matters for Local Public Health
NCLHD Accreditation Team is preparing a series of communication tools to help Agency Accreditation Staff inform their colleagues and partners about the accreditation process and its value.
The first chapter of the series focuses on accreditation’s value for the local health department itself. Posters, email templates, and icons are available. These materials help communicate the continuous and collective accreditation process and its benefits. View handout.
Learn more about these materials by watching the June 2021 webinar recording.
Public health partnership builds a launchpad for thriving communities. Local health departments and their partnerships launch and steer communities towards goals – whether those goals address quality improvement, health equity, social determinants of health, or other community priorities.
Local health department accreditation helps ensure that our public health launches are successful. Accreditation provides a structure to assess, maintain, and advance local health departments so they can effectively work towards their goals.
To help communicate the accreditation process, the team has prepared materials that align with four phases of accreditation:
Posters focus on the collaboration, pride, and success of local health departments’ accreditation cycles to motivate the team and engage additional staff in the process. Posters are available to customize in Canva or download as customizable PDF files. We suggest printing and displaying these posters in areas where staff gather at your local health department with the suggested timing. There is space in the white banner to add your agency’s logo. We recommend using the Canva templates to customize your posters. If you use the PDFs below, make sure to download them to your computer (right-click the link and select ‘Save link as…’). Once you have customized the PDF, print it using a printer or print the poster as a PDF to distribute electronically. The email templates contain four messages that align with different steps of the accreditation cycle for accreditation staff to share with their team and health department. Download a PDF of all four email templates. You can then copy the email messages and customize them in your email accordingly.
Continuous improvement throughout the accreditation process
A few months before site visit – gathering documentation
Between Site Visit & Board Adjudication – waiting for results
After receiving reaccreditation at Board Adjudication
Health Department Poster Materials
Health Department Email Templates