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IN THIS ISSUE: FY 17-18 Annual Report Video & Supplement, Accreditation Program Staff Update, Skills-Building Workshop Follow-up, Launching Microsoft Teams and more…

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New Releases

Accreditation Program Staff
We are happy to share that Julia Kimmel is going to be working more closely with the Accreditation Program. She will be working with us to monitor the Accreditation email address and keep our contact list up to date. You are always welcome to email Amy Belflower Thomas or Lori Rhew directly; however, we encourage you to email us at for a more timely response. Amy, Lori and Julia work together to monitor the Accreditation email account.

NEW Website and Web Address
We are excited to share that we have a new website and web address. Our new address is You can still reach us at the old address; however, we encourage you to bookmark the new address. The new website contains many new features, including a navigation bar at the top of the page, a quick links section on the home page and navigation along the top of the page. If you have any issues finding resources on the new site, please contact us at

Accreditation Workshop Presentations
The presentations from the 2018 NCLHD Accreditation Skills-Building Workshop are posted on the Training page of the new website.

Annual Report
The FY 17-18 Annual Report video and Best Practices Supplement (pdf) are now available. You can view both on our website under “Research & Data.” We have released the annual report as a video to make it easier to share. We encourage you to share this video link with others who are interested in learning more about the program.

We are adding everyone to Teams this week. You will receive an email invitation to join Teams. Once we have added all Agency Accreditation Coordinators, we will send an email through the listserv to confirm. We are going to transition from using the listserv to using Teams over the next couple of months. By January 22, 2019 we will fully transition to using Teams. If you have any questions or any problems using Teams, please contact us at

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Accreditation in Action

Regional Workgroups
Thank you to everyone who has emailed about their Regional Workgroups; if you have not yet emailed us about the counties in your regional workgroup, please email us a We will create a map of the workgroups and post it on our website.

AAC Advisory Council
During the 2018 NCLHD Accreditation Annual Skills Building Workshop, we shared that we are convening an AAC Advisory Council. The Advisory Council will be composed of eight members, one representative from each of the regional workgroups, and At-Large members will be selected for areas where a regional workgroup does not exist.  Advisory Council members will serve two-year staggered terms. The expected commitment is no more than four hours a month for advisement on workshop planning and changes to the HDSAI Interpretation document, as well as piloting new tools and resources. Each regional workgroup is asked to send the name of their delegate by December 1, 2018 to

National Association of Local Boards of Public Health Presentation
Amy Belflower Thomas presented A Review of a State-Based Local Health Department Accreditation System at the National Association of Local Boards of Public Health Conference on August 9, 2018. The presentation slides and a handout with an overview of the Accreditation Program are posted under conference presentations on our website.

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Key Dates

NCLHDA Board Meeting: November 16, 2018 from 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at the N.C. Division of Public Health, 5605 Six Forks Rd., in the Cardinal Meeting Room. The agenda will be posted by November 13.

NCLHDA Update Webinar: January 22, 2019 from 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. More details will be available closer to the webinar date.

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We Want to Hear From You

During the breakout sessions at the 2018 NCLHD Accreditation Skills Building Workshop, many people shared examples of resources they have created to support the NCLHD Accreditation process in their local health department. If you have a resource to share, please send a description of what you have created and how it is used to
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