According to Chad Coffey, Co-AAC at the Caldwell County Health Department:
“We used to do purely online submissions of evidence/documentation. Staff responsible for benchmarks would email the AACs the documentation that they thought would work and the AACs would upload the document to their accreditation server folder. While, it seemed like a very good idea at first, it caused quite bit of confusion and organizational issues. We found that documentation would get lost or staff could not recall correctly if they had submitted documentation or not. To address these issues, we created a submission folder for our team members. The folder has a sheet in the front with a place for the date, the evidence being submitted, benchmark number, if it meets the requirement for the activity or not, and a received by signature with a comment section. Once we fill out the sheet and have decided that the documentation will work, we then can upload it to the dashboard. Implementing this has really helped Caldwell County as far as staff accountability goes. Everyone seems to like this process much better and it has been going smoothly.”
For more information on this process, contact Chad Coffey at