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The COVID-19 Response and NCLHD Accreditation HDSAI Guide highlights potential evidence opportunities related to the COVID-19 response. The guide also includes examples of how local health department are planning to use their COVID-19 response as evidence. Here are two examples of how local health departments plan to use their response to COVID-19 as evidence for Accreditation activities:

Activity 14.4 Development/Presentation of New/Amended Rules/Ordinances: Mecklenburg County worked with the Board of County Commissioners and municipalities within their jurisdiction to draft local ordinances around masking and Stay at Home Orders.

Activity 20.1 Health Services Collaboration: Transylvania County collaborated with FQHC Blue Ridge Community Health and Bethel A Church to provide COVID-9 testing outreach to local Hispanic and African American communities.

If you have an example from your agency’s response to COVID-19 that you would like to share, please email us: We look forward to hearing from you!

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