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New Releases

New HDSAI Interpretation Resources

As you may have seen in a Special Update sent out on Monday, January 31, the NCLHD Accreditation Program has created new resources to help inform health departments’ selection between the two HDSAI Interpretation Document options. You can now find all resources along with the HDSAI Interpretation Document 2022 on our website under Accreditation Process > Health Department Self-Assessment Instrument (HDSAI).

Dashboard Updates

Your Accreditation Dashboard has now been updated to display both the Required Documentation for both HDSAI Interpretation Documents 2020/2021 and 2022. In addition, we have updated the start and end dates to generally reflect your accreditation cycle. Your default end dates for activities should now display the next due date for your HDSAI. Your default “start” date is the date of your previous board adjudication; however, please keep in mind that your cycle officially starts the day after your previous site visit, which is distinct for each health department.

Remember that our website has a whole page dedicated to Dashboard resources, including an updated Dashboard User Guide 2022 and a recording of the Fall 2021 Dashboard Overview Webinar.

Office Hours start in March

You can now register for Office Hours with the Accreditation Program, where you can ask your questions specifically related to HDSAI Interpretation, the NCLHDA Dashboard, and quality improvement. We have three office hours scheduled for Tuesday, March 8, May 10, and June 7 from 9-10. You can find details and register on our Training Calendar!

Accreditation in Action

Connecting Shared Experiences with Design Thinking

Throughout the fall, we heard from our Quality Improvement Design Team about both the value of connecting across health departments and hearing best practices and the challenges and burden it often takes to share and learn from these stories. The NCLHDA Program was fortunate enough to be selected as a community partner for a UNC-CH course “Design Thinking for Public Good” where a group of public health graduate students will help our program creatively think about how to best build opportunities to share experiences and learn from each other, and we’re looking for volunteers to be involved in the process! You can sign up here to attend input sessions focused on inspiration (March 9), ideation (April 13), and/or implementation (April 20). All sessions will be held virtually on Wednesdays from 11:15 am-2:15 pm.

New to the Dashboard? Or Accreditation Overall? Hold your calendar!

Twice a year, the NCLHDA program holds a Dashboard Overview Webinar and Accreditation 101: New AAC Training. These training opportunities will next be offered on Tuesday, April 26 – save the date now to ensure you can join us!

Personnel Decision Updates for CHSAs

This Bulletin discussing personnel decisions for Consolidated Human Services Agencies crossed our desks last week, and we wanted to pass this information along to make sure the 28 health departments with Consolidated Human Services Agencies saw the updates.

Key Dates

Tuesday, February 22, 2022: NCLHDA Quality Improvement Webinar from 10-11:30 a.m.
Webinar. There is no cost to attend; however, registration is required. Register.

Tuesday, March 8, 2022: March Accreditation Office Hours from 9-10:00 a.m.
Virtual Meeting with breakout rooms for HDSAI Interpretation, NCLHDA Dashboard, and Quality Improvement. There is no cost to attend; however, registration is required. Register.

Tuesday, April 26, 2022: Bi-Annual Dashboard Overview Webinar from 9-10:30 a.m.
Webinar. There is no cost to attend; however, registration is required. Registration will open in March.

Tuesday, April 26, 2022: Accreditation 101: New Agency Accreditation Coordinator (AAC) Training from 12:30-5 p.m.
Virtual Training. There is no cost to attend; however, Dashboard Overview Webinar is a pre-requisite and registration is required. Registration will open in March.

Interested to explore all upcoming events? Check out our Calendar page online!

Tips and Tricks for Accreditation Success: Stories from the Field

Thank you, Jeff Sieber!

We are always so grateful for the incredible work AACs do across the state, and it’s always bittersweet when AACs leave the accreditation community. We wanted to take a moment to share our thanks and gratitude for Jeff Sieber from Onslow County, who has just retired as one of the longest standing AACs across the state. Jeff was a great asset to the program, especially through his role representing Region 8 in our AAC Advisory Council and his constant commitment to ask thoughtful questions and share his insight with the program. We’ll miss you, Jeff!

We want to hear from you

Share your tips and tricks for accreditation success with other local health departments across the state. If you have a tip or trick that you would like to share, send a summary – no more than 500 words – including the activity addressed and any lessons learned. Please send your submission to Stories will be shared via these monthly highlights.

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