The Site Visit Team identified many Best Practices in Fall 2022. Over the next few months, we’ll be highlighting some of these best practices in advance of the annual Best Practices report that comes out at the end of each fiscal year.
Highlight 1, Activity 11.2: The Site Visit Team identified Carteret’s Sticker Shock program developed through the Coastal Coalition Substance Abuse Prevention (CCSAP) Community Team as a best practice for engaging the community in assessing, prioritizing and establishing desired outcomes for reducing underage age drinking and the purchase of juice look alike alcoholic beverages by those under 21 years old. The Site Visit Team found this was an innovative way to engage the community to address underage drinking of alcoholic beverages with the immediate desired outcomes of stickers being placed on the beverages by the students themselves and long-term outcome of decreasing the purchase of juice look alike alcoholic beverages by youth, thus decreasing underage drinking.
Highlight 2, Activity 15.1: The Site Visit Team found Buncombe County`s Strategic Plan and Community Health Assessment to be very comprehensive, utilizing the CHIP process and developed based on their values of respect, honesty, integrity, collaboration, and equity. The Community Health Assessment engaged more than 50 partners to include a large physician network, MAHEC and 18 counties, followed results-based accountability and `smart shot` for reporting progress. Additionally, the Site Visit Team identified the department`s approach to equity to be very specific beginning with a very thorough definition of equity. Efforts to reach populations that were considered historically marginalized, low income and rural during COVID vaccine distribution resulted in higher proportions of the Latinx population receiving vaccines as compared to the non-Hispanic population. Similar outreach efforts to provide Monkey Pox vaccines are currently underway.