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NCLHDA Program Monthly Highlights August 2020

August 10, 2020

New Releases NCLHD Accreditation Staff Updates Welcome Margaret Benson Nemitz Margaret recently joined the North Carolina Institute for Public Health (NCIPH) as a Community Assessment Coordinator. In this role she will be providing project support to the NCLHD Accreditation Program … Read more

NCLHDA Program Monthly Highlights July 2020

July 7, 2020

New Releases 2020 Webinar Series The NCLHD Accreditation Program is offering a free monthly webinar series beginning in June 2020 and running through June 2021. The next webinar, Understanding Your Community’s Superpowers will be held July 16 from 10—11:30 a.m. … Read more

Show all Versions Bug – SHOULD be fixed!

June 4, 2020

Thanks to some detective work from Jeff Sieber, Onslow County Health Department AAC, who learned that the “show all versions bug” occurred when a document was downloaded, not saved and deleted.  This bug has caused on-going issues with documents not … Read more

NCLHDA Program Monthly Highlights June 2020

June 4, 2020

New Releases Congratulations to the Newly Reaccredited Health Departments Congratulations to the health departments that were reaccredited at the May 8, 2020 NC Local Health Department Accreditation Board meeting. The health departments with * were Reaccredited with Honors: Franklin County … Read more

NCLHDA Program Monthly Highlights May 2020

May 6, 2020

New Releases In Appreciation The NCIPH staff would like to thank everyone who has been involved with assisting the program to adjust to the evolving circumstances impacting accreditation. From the Board members who have had emergency meetings, to the Accreditation … Read more

Randolph County Performance Evaluation Checklist

April 1, 2020

Randolph County Performance Evaluation Checklist Randolph County uses a performance evaluation checklist as a tracking method for annual employee performance evaluations. This document includes annual required training dates, a list of policies to review, certifications applicable to the position/employee, staff … Read more

NCLHDA Program Monthly Highlights April 2020

April 1, 2020

New Releases NCLHDA Program Updates We hope that you are all doing well during this uncertain time. We are all adjusting as we can to the evolving circumstances surrounding COVID-19. While the NCLHD Accreditation Program is a legislatively mandated program, … Read more

Region Three Mock Site Visits

March 4, 2020

Region Three Mock Site Visits The Region Three Workgroup (Davidson, Davie, Forsyth, Stokes, Surry, Watauga-Ashe-Alleghany, Wilkes, Yadkin) conducts mock site visits with each county in their region approximately one month before the county’s official site visit. They use the Activities … Read more